Friday, February 10, 2012

Hi, I’m Olivia and welcome to Snakes: Animals Beyond Awesome.
This blog is dedicated to snakes and just what makes them such amazing animals. So, with that in mind, this article is about what I think are some of the major appealing traits of snakes to people:

They’re Wild Animals
You can have a pet snake and it will never be domesticated. There’s something drawing about having a wild animal in your house, and snakes are relatively easy to care for in comparison to exotic mammals. They carry a sort of alluring danger about them even as pets, and I think there’s a lot of us out there who like that feeling.

They’re Unique
Snakes are some of the most interestingly evolved animals in the world. On some of the older families of snakes, like boas, you can sometimes find leftovers of what once were feet. Snakes were so awesome that they didn’t need legs to survive. Since they don’t have limbs, snakes can only manipulate an object with their bodies, whether setting up a nest for their eggs or arranging an animal so it’s in the best position to be eaten. The skin-shedding is neat, too.

The Venom
While not all snakes are venomous (only the vipers, cobras, and cobra relatives), people have been fascinated by their venom for centuries. Considered by some to be most venomous snake, the Black Mamba, has tons of folklore surrounding it, including a story that two children fled from it on horseback and the snake caught up and killed both the horses and the children (it’s also the fastest snake on record). There’s a lot of debate about which snake is really the deadliest though, since some with stronger venom cause less fatalities due to antitoxin being available in time (the world’s most poisonous snake, the Inland Taipan, hasn’t caused a fatality since 2003).

They’re Mysterious
Even though we have tons of them in zoos and dozens of TV shows dedicated to them, snakes still carry and air of mystery. Since as people we’re curious about things, we’re naturally drawn to want to know more.

I’ve wanted to know more since second grade, as will be detailed in my next post: Learning to Love Snakes

The Black Mamba is so awesome, there's a roller coaster named for it!

Black Mamba pic by Buster Lung
Black Mamba Roller Coaster by David Morton

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